Thursday, May 24, 2018

Meat is not just meat!

Shobha De, a popular Indian Columnist and author, quipped once in the reference of the ban of cow slaughtering in India:-

“Meat is just meat. It hardly matters whether it’s cow’s meat or goat’s. Why Hindu people discriminate against animals and have double standard while treating animals?   The slaughtering of goat is allowed but slaughtering of the cow is forbidden by Hindus. Isn’t this sheer foolishness?  

One of the orthodox Hindu reacted over this:

“Shobha De you are right. Man is a man, whether he is a brother, or husband, or father, or a son. Why you treat them differently? Why you need a husband for sexual gratification or giving birth to a child? Can you behave with your father or brother in a similar manner? Isn’t this your foolishness or double standard to use different men for different uses as a man is just a man? Why you serve your husband and children with cow’s or buffaloes milk? Why don’t you use dog’s milk for tea or coffee? It’s apparent that every animal’s milk is not useable. This is not the question of meat but of its usefulness and about someone’s faith and belief. Similarly, the criteria of our relationship vary with different men or women as per the relationship we have with him or her. Every man or woman cannot be treated equally for any kind of relationship. A husband cannot be treated like a brother and vise versa. It’s not ironic that the one who raises slogan “save tiger’ is taken as a socially conscious person and one who campaigns shouting “Save dog’ is always considered as an animal lover but cow protector Hindus are always branded as fanatic Hindus? Why can’t they be termed as cow lovers?

My views:

Problem is that no one wants to go beyond one’s own circumference and we are adamantly manipulative to justify own stands anyhow.  
Indeed, in the both of the above situations, the duo is insensitive against animals. The former is liberal in the consumption of non-vegetarian items and consider animal nothing more than edibles.  She found the way to justify her stand and found an irrefutable logic at the pretext of criticizing advocates of banning of cow slaughtering. Probably, she must be having endorsement against her expression from innumerable fans of her as they too need to justify this because they too have a personal interest to keep animal slaughtering out of the list of inhuman activities and exploitation. I will never ever dare to convince a non-vegetarian scholar against vegetarianism as I am damn sure that those who have become deaf against the screaming and wriggling of helpless vulnerable bleeding animals have, most ironically, developed the supernatural power of sensing pain and pangs of mute and non-defensive plants and vegetations.        
The expression of the latter sounds more absurd and insensitive when he categorizes animals’ quality/usefulness on the basis of their milk. It’s a very silly logic that a man is treated as per his being a brother, father or husband.  Dear brother, Ms Shobha is only categorizing meat. Accordingly, you could have only analyzed that a man, be a brother or a husband or a father, possesses the same kind of flesh.   But, you, just to justify your statement, started beating about the bushes. Moreover, “Save Cow’ campaigners are termed fanatic simply because they have adopted an adamant attitude selectively for a specific animal just owing to its usefulness and their personal faith and consider other animals inferior. Are they not in the role of an exploiter?

Haven’t you ever noticed a drowning small ant striving desperately to move out of the water just to save its life? This tiny creature too has the frantic desire to live as we have. Why animals are discriminated on the basis of their usefulness and uselessness? Just observe the fear and anxiety in the eyes of a helpless and hopeless goat to be butchered? Oh, what an innocent and powerless creature it is!   Why population of animals is controlled by killing them when we have scientific and ethical methods to control the population of human beings?  Why can’t these methods be applied to animals? A conscious communist comrade, holding a frail cock hanging inverted with its leg tied, when talks about the exploitation of weak by powerful exploiters, sounds too mean, cunning, insensitive and utter fake.

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