Saturday, May 26, 2018

“God Forgive them as they do not know what they are doing” ”हे ईश्वर इन्हें क्षमा करना ये नहीं जानते ये क्या कर रहे हैं”

Indeed, it was pathetic…it was heart rendering… it would never be erased from my mind…it was mine first experience to be the mute spectator of a brutal and callous killing…pathetic scream from a helpless innocent and utmost humble and harmless bird’s mouth….with both the frail and soft legs tied…he was thrown like an inanimate object and squeezed under heavy human leg to enable to move sharp knife on the tender neck …severing it mercilessly without allowing the cock to gasp in pain…putting all the blood stained bones, muscles and other bodily parts in the carry bag to chew and relish and dine with…nothing can be more naked and blunt scene of exploitation than this one. No philosophical or religious interpretation or rational scientific analysis pacify my disturbed mind since then…this made me to realize the story of the plight of wailing Siddhartha, the young Buddha over a bleeding goose pierced by an arrow more deeply…I can realize now how the age old rites and ritual of thoughtless sacrifices in India almost died long back with the changing values and enlightening/awakening against the understanding of the human values…Without disputing what’s right what’s wrong, one can conceive spontaneously/instinctively that killing of innocent living beings is not a natural human tendency but an addiction acquired by gradual efforts and practice….A kid’s tender mindset has no room for acknowledging butchering…please…please do not allow tender minds to fall addicted for this practice of exploitation…Lastly- “God Forgive them as they do not know what they are doing”

हे ईश्वर इन्हें क्षमा करना ये नहीं जानते ये क्या कर रहे हैं

 पहली बार देखे गए एक बेबस मासूम पंछी के क़त्ल के दृश्य को मैं अभी भी नहीं भूला पाया हूँ... बंधे पैर...धम से पटककर पैरों के नीचे दबा कर....एक गले पर चली तेज धार वाली छूरी से मुर्गे का क़त्ल हुआ था बीच बाज़ार में...एक लाचार बच्चे की सी नन्हें प्राणी की ह्रदय भेदी तीखी चीख आज भी गूंजती है मन में...एक आदमी उसकी रक्तरंजित हड्डी पसलियाँ और अंगों को थैली में बटोर कर निकल गया था चबाने और चूसने के लिए...शोषण का ऐसा घृणित दृश्य मेरी नज़र में और नहीं हो सकता...कोई भी वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण या तार्किक दर्शन मेरे इस दुःख को आज तक कम नहीं कर सका..तीर से धायल हंस को देखकर सिद्धार्थ/बुद्ध को कैसी पीड़ा हुई होगी उसका एहसास भी गहरा हो गया था....बदलते परिवेश और लोगों की सुलझती समझ के साथ साथ भारत में सदियों पहले हिंदुओं में जारी बली प्रथा भी दम तोड़ चुकी है...क्या सही है क्या गलत है इस बहस में पड़े बिना भी इतना तो जाना जा ही सकता है कि किसी प्राणी की ह्त्या प्राकृतिक और सहज प्रक्रिया नहीं है इसके लिए अभ्यास करना पड़ता है...मासूम बचपन तो सिर्फ प्राणियों के दुःख को समझता है उसे ऐसे शोषण का आदी न बनाएं…”हे ईश्वर इन्हें क्षमा करना ये नहीं जानते ये क्या कर रहे हैं

No, grin does not appear on my face now !

I attempted again to bring a bold grin to my face today
But, an appalling viral video on social media shook me considerably
Unbearable pathetic cry of a miserable baby dog
An innocent alive soft toddler puppy
A boy hung him by a rope on live flames
He was being burnt alive in the flames of fire
While the kid was wriggling...screaming...undergoing unendurable suffering
A fun-loving psychopath was video recording on his mobile

The day before yesterday a man was seen canning a monkey inexhaustibly
He was hung inverted on a tree after his limbs were absolutely fractured
The man never tired thrashing helpless creature mercilessly by his belt…
His fellow enjoyed video graphing the proud event…

Hardly, seven days back a fanatic Hindu was observed
thrashing a poor Indian Muslim labour and then setting him on fire
At the pretext of issuing a warning to love jihad perpetrators
His fellow man found glory filming the incident on his mobile

Stop please stop! It’s pathetic…it’s agonizing….
It can’t be endured more

I practised throughout my life to co-exist with those
Who relish over the flesh and bones of little innocent creatures
Philosophical justification of non-vegetarianism does not console me   
But I can obviously observe for sure that
Necks of helpless, guiltless and feeble creatures’ are severed
Just for your taste and enjoyment
It hardly matters whether it’s a cow or cock or goat
Every time a feeble, helpless creature is the victim of human atrocities

Beware….Be alert……be cautious
What If a violent tornado outbreaks and
Once again Parshuram is compelled to bear 'Farsa' the divine axe
To eliminate such devils from the entire earth….   

(According to Hindu Mythology, the supreme deity Vishnu, incarnate as Parshuram at a time when overwhelming evil prevailed on earth. The warrior class, with weapons and power, had begun to abuse their power, take what belonged to others by force and tyrannize people. Parashurama corrects the cosmic equilibrium by destroying these evil warriors. He bears Farsa the axe as a weapon.)

नहीं आ पाती अब मुस्कराहट चेहरे पर

नहीं आ पाती अब मुस्कराहट चेहरे पर
आज फिर मन बनाया मुस्कराने का 
सामने आ गया फिर कोई वीभत्स वीडियो 
असहनीय चीत्कार एक बेबस पिल्ले की 
निरीह नन्हा सा कुत्ते का जिंदा शिशु
रस्सी से बाँधकर कोई बड़ी बेदर्दी से आग के ऊपर जला रहा था
असहनीय पीड़ा से वो बच्चा चीख चीख कर छटपटा रहा था 
एक निर्मोही मानसिक रोगी उसका वीडियो बना रहा था
परसों ही देखी थी एक निरीह वानर की बेरहम पिटाई 
कोई उसे रस्सी से लटकाकर बेल्ट से पीट रहा था 
एक राक्षस वीडियो का आनंद ले रहा था
जुम्मा जुम्मा सात दिन पहले ही
एक निर्दोष भारतीय को लव-जेहाद की आड़ में
आग के हवाले करते एक दरिंदे को देखा था 
बस करो बस करो अब और नहीं सहा जाएगा
बहुत सहनशीलता पैदा की थी हमने उन्हें झेलने की 
जानवरों की हड्डियाँ चबाते दरिंदों के साथ उठने बैठने की
नहीं सिखाना हमें अब मांसाहारी का अमानवीय दर्शन 
हमें तो सिर्फ इतना पता है कि कमजोर प्राणियों को तड़फाकर 
मासूमों की कोमल गर्दनों पर छूरी चलाकर तुम आनंद उठाते हो 
उनकी हड्डियों और रक्त से अपनी जिव्हा तृप्त करते हो 
हो गाय या फिर मुर्गा या फिर बकरी क्या फर्क पड़ता है 
हर बार निरीह मासूम ही सूली चढ़ता है 
समय रहते हुए सभी सावधान हो जाएं 
कहीं ऐसा न हो कि कोई तूफ़ान उठ जाए
पृथ्वी से इन दरिंदों को समूल मिटाने के लिए 
फिर से कोई परशुराम फरसा उठाले

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Meat is not just meat!

Shobha De, a popular Indian Columnist and author, quipped once in the reference of the ban of cow slaughtering in India:-

“Meat is just meat. It hardly matters whether it’s cow’s meat or goat’s. Why Hindu people discriminate against animals and have double standard while treating animals?   The slaughtering of goat is allowed but slaughtering of the cow is forbidden by Hindus. Isn’t this sheer foolishness?  

One of the orthodox Hindu reacted over this:

“Shobha De you are right. Man is a man, whether he is a brother, or husband, or father, or a son. Why you treat them differently? Why you need a husband for sexual gratification or giving birth to a child? Can you behave with your father or brother in a similar manner? Isn’t this your foolishness or double standard to use different men for different uses as a man is just a man? Why you serve your husband and children with cow’s or buffaloes milk? Why don’t you use dog’s milk for tea or coffee? It’s apparent that every animal’s milk is not useable. This is not the question of meat but of its usefulness and about someone’s faith and belief. Similarly, the criteria of our relationship vary with different men or women as per the relationship we have with him or her. Every man or woman cannot be treated equally for any kind of relationship. A husband cannot be treated like a brother and vise versa. It’s not ironic that the one who raises slogan “save tiger’ is taken as a socially conscious person and one who campaigns shouting “Save dog’ is always considered as an animal lover but cow protector Hindus are always branded as fanatic Hindus? Why can’t they be termed as cow lovers?

My views:

Problem is that no one wants to go beyond one’s own circumference and we are adamantly manipulative to justify own stands anyhow.  
Indeed, in the both of the above situations, the duo is insensitive against animals. The former is liberal in the consumption of non-vegetarian items and consider animal nothing more than edibles.  She found the way to justify her stand and found an irrefutable logic at the pretext of criticizing advocates of banning of cow slaughtering. Probably, she must be having endorsement against her expression from innumerable fans of her as they too need to justify this because they too have a personal interest to keep animal slaughtering out of the list of inhuman activities and exploitation. I will never ever dare to convince a non-vegetarian scholar against vegetarianism as I am damn sure that those who have become deaf against the screaming and wriggling of helpless vulnerable bleeding animals have, most ironically, developed the supernatural power of sensing pain and pangs of mute and non-defensive plants and vegetations.        
The expression of the latter sounds more absurd and insensitive when he categorizes animals’ quality/usefulness on the basis of their milk. It’s a very silly logic that a man is treated as per his being a brother, father or husband.  Dear brother, Ms Shobha is only categorizing meat. Accordingly, you could have only analyzed that a man, be a brother or a husband or a father, possesses the same kind of flesh.   But, you, just to justify your statement, started beating about the bushes. Moreover, “Save Cow’ campaigners are termed fanatic simply because they have adopted an adamant attitude selectively for a specific animal just owing to its usefulness and their personal faith and consider other animals inferior. Are they not in the role of an exploiter?

Haven’t you ever noticed a drowning small ant striving desperately to move out of the water just to save its life? This tiny creature too has the frantic desire to live as we have. Why animals are discriminated on the basis of their usefulness and uselessness? Just observe the fear and anxiety in the eyes of a helpless and hopeless goat to be butchered? Oh, what an innocent and powerless creature it is!   Why population of animals is controlled by killing them when we have scientific and ethical methods to control the population of human beings?  Why can’t these methods be applied to animals? A conscious communist comrade, holding a frail cock hanging inverted with its leg tied, when talks about the exploitation of weak by powerful exploiters, sounds too mean, cunning, insensitive and utter fake.

Monday, May 21, 2018

मांस केवल मांस ही नहीं होता

     (31 मार्च, 2017 को लिखित और फेसबुक पर प्रकाशित मेरी एक पोस्ट)
शोभा डे नाम की एक प्रख्यात लेखिका की टिप्पणी -
मांस तो मांस ही होता है, चाहे गाय का हो, या बकरे का, या किसी अन्य जानवर का......। फिर, हिन्दू लोग जानवरों के प्रति अलग-अलग व्यवहार कर के क्यों ढोंग करते है कि बकरा काटो, पर, गाय मत काटो । ये उनकी मूर्खता है कि नहीं......?"
इस पर एक कट्टर हिंदू की टिप्पणी
बिल्कुल ठीक कहा शोभा जी आप ने । मर्द तो मर्द ही होता है, चाहे वो भाई हो, या पति, या बाप, या बेटा । फिर, तीनो के साथ आप अलग-अलग व्यवहार क्यों करती हैं? क्या सन्तान पैदा करने, या यौन-सुख पाने के लिए पति जरुरी है ? भाई, बेटा, या बाप के साथ भी वही व्यवहार किया जा सकता है, जो आप अपने पति के साथ करती हैं । ये आप की मूर्खता और आप का ढोंग है कि नहीं.....? घर में आप अपने बच्चों और अपने पति को खाने-नाश्ते में दूध तो देती ही होंगी, या चाय-कॉफी तो बनाती ही होंगी...!
जाहिर है, वो दूध गाय, या भैंस का ही होगा । तो, क्या आप कुतिया का भी दूध उनको पिला सकती हैं, या कुतिया के दूध की भी चाय-कॉफी बना सकती हैं..? तो, दूध तो दूध, चाहे वो किसी का भी हो....!!
ये आप की मूर्खता और आप का ढोंग है कि नहीं......? .प्रश्न मांस का नहीं, आस्था और भावना का है । जिस तरह, भाई, पति, बेटा, बेटी, बहन, माँ, आदि रिश्तों के पुरुषों-महिलाओं से हमारे संबंध मात्र एक पुरुष, या मात्र एक स्त्री होने के आधार पर न चल कर भावना और आस्था के आधार पर संचालित होते हैं, उसी प्रकार गाय, बकरे, या अन्य पशु भी हमारी भावना के आधार पर व्यवहृत होते हैं । इसी विषय में एक सवाल :- "Save tiger" कहने वाले समाज सेवी होते हैं और "Save Dogs" कहने वाले पशु प्रेमी होते हैं । तब, "Save Cow" कहने वाले कट्टरपंथी कैसे हो गये.....?”
मेरा मंतव्य-

दर असल सारी समस्या यह है कि हम अपने दायरों से बाहर नहीं आना चाहते और अपनी अपनी आस्था को न्यायोंचित ठहराने के चक्कर में भाषा का तानाबाना बुन लेते हैं और खुद की पीठ थपथपाते है....
वस्तुतः उपर्युक्त दोनों व्यक्ति पशु-प्रेम से वंचित मानसिकता रखते हैं ..पहला व्यक्ति स्वच्छंद मांसाहारी है इसलिए उसके लिए जानवर केवल खाद्य पदार्थ के अतिरिक्त कुछ नहीं है ...और उसने अपने आपको न्यायोचित ठहराने का रास्ता ढूंढ निकाला... गाय-बध के विरोध करने वालों की आलोचना की आड़ में एक अकाट्य तर्क (उनकी नज़र में) ढूंढ निकाला ....संभवतः कई प्रशंसक भी रहें होंगे उनकी भावना की अभिव्यक्ति के...आखिर अन्य कई लोगों को भी तो मांस खाने की प्रक्रिया को मानवता और शोषण के दायरे से बाहर रखना है...दूसरे व्यक्ति की भावना बहुत अधिक जंगली और असंवेदनशील हो जाती है जब वह जानवरों का वर्गीकरण उनके दूध की गुणवत्ता/उपयोगिता के आधार पर करने लगता है...और तर्क बचकाना प्रतीत होता है जब वह कहता है कि मर्द बाप, भाई, पति के आधार पर व्यवहृत होता है...मेरे भाई, शोभाजी सिर्फ मांस का वर्गीकरण कर रही हैं..उस आधार पर तो आपको यह कहना चाहिए था कि बाप, भाई, पति के रूप में मर्द भले ही हो पर उनका मांस एक ही प्रकार का ही होता है...तुमने तो अपनी बात को न्यायोचित ठहराने के चक्कर में बाल की खाल निकालनी शुरू कर दी...’save cow’ वाले कट्टरपंथी इसीलिए हैं क्योंकि उन्होंने केवल एक जानवर के प्रति ही कट्टर रवैया अपनाया हुआ है.... वे गाय की उपयोगिता के कारण उसका उपयोग करने तथा अन्य जानवरों को निष्कृष्ट मानकर उनके बध को न्यायोचित ठहरा कर क्या शोषक की भूमिका में नहीं है ???
कभी ध्यान से देखना एक पानी में गिरी हुई नन्हीं सी चींटी पानी से बाहर निकलने के लिए..अपने जीवन को बचाने के लिए किस कदर छटपटाती है...उसे भी जीने की उतनी ही चाह है जितनी हमें...तो फिर इन जानवरों में उनकी उपयोगिता के आधार पर भेदभाव क्यों...??? एक कसाई की पकड़ में छटपटाते बकरे की आँखों में दर्द और खौफ को देखें...कितना निरीह और बेबस प्राणी....जानवरों की बढती आवादी को नियंत्रण के लिए उनकी हत्याओं को उचित बताने वाले अक्सर ये क्यों भूल जाते हैं कि मनुष्य की बढ़ती आबादी के नियंत्रण के लिए मानवीय तरीके अपनाए जा सकते हैं तो उनके लिए क्यों नहीं ...एक नन्हें से मुर्गे की कोमल टांगों को बाँध कर उसे उलटा हाथ में पकड कर जब कोई कम्यूनिस्ट शोषण और शोषक की कहानी बताता है तो वह कितना घिनौना, मक्कार और झूठा लगता है...Harsh M Krishnatrey

Saturday, May 12, 2018

I am wrong you are right

Harsh M Krishnatreya
हर्षमोहन कृष्णात्रेय
A lion reached to a stream to quench his thirst. A lamb was also drinking water at the downstream. On seeing the lamb, his mouth watered. The lion wanted to eat it up. But, a king cannot punish anyone without any fault… He needed some excuse for it. He said, “Why are you making water muddy? Don’t you see I am drinking it?  The lamb replied”, the water is flowing from you to me. How can I make it muddy?”  
After a few minutes, the lion said. “Why did you abuse me last year”? The lamb replied sir, “I was not born last year”.  “Then it must be your father or mother.” I will not forgive you”. Saying this, the lion sprang upon the lamb. He tore him to pieces and ate him up.
Moral: Any excuse is good enough for a wicked person. It’s spontaneous to find a fault in anyone for a person with vested interest.  It’s very much of human nature to justify oneself.
I will never convince any non-vegetarian person to adopt vegetarianism as I am damn sure that the person, who has become deaf against the screaming, wriggling of an innocent week bleeding animal is surprisingly capable of listening the pining of speechless plants and sensing the pain of mute vegetations. The person who has developed ability of finding virtues in Jinnah, a mastermind of direct day action causing mass slaughtering and instrumental in killing of 2  lakhs people, but most ironically, cannot find a single good thing in Nehru and Patel. I am not saying that Jinnah had no merit to discuss about…. 
No…No… I will never describe the list of achievement of a leader before a person who has critical approach against that leader when the lion is set to kill the lamb anyhow.  I will neither describe merits of Hinduism to a staunch Muslim nor make any attempt to convince a staunch Hindu against good values in Quran…
I know these people with vested interest and inflated grudges cannot be truth seeker like Jesus or Kabira…..Who hesitated to speak against the wrongdoers. They did so as they wanted to improve themselves rather than improving others…whereas a commoner has tendency to point out fingers on others rather than noticing faults in him/her…
बुरा जो देखन मैं चलाबुरा मिलिया कोय,
जो दिल खोजा आपनामुझसे बुरा कोय।  Saint Kabira
I searched for the crooked, met not a single one
When searched myself, "I" found the crooked one (Saint Kabira)
It has invariably been noticed that we, common people tend to find fault with someone else for our situations and circumstances. We always try to put blame of every failure on others and expect them to be changed rather than ourselves. But positive thinkers like Jesus and Saint Kabira have no time exploring faults in others but gain good things from others to improve themselves.
The person who has never committed a sin will stone the lady accused of adultory-"Jesus"
“Father forgive them as they don’t know what they are doing” Jesus
The political scenario would have been startlingly different if the narrative of different Indian political groups would go as follows:
What if a Congress man adopts this narrative?
Congress – “Dear Congress fellows, we must learn from the past so as not to repeat the tragedy of throttling of democratic values during the emergency imposed wrongly by our beloved Leader Indiraji…Yes Rajiv Gandhi failed in controlling anti-sikh riotous situation in the country… We should be apologetic and ensure to public not to repeat this…Yes…sure…our party once misused the Judiciary in the past…We have learnt a lot and assure you not to repeat this….”
What if a BJP man adopts this narrative?
BJP – “Yes…Yes…. We assure you that no more Gujarat tragedy now….Though we were not be the direct perpetrators of this but, atleast, being in the ruling government we must own the responsibility and now we are committed to take the remedial measures so as not to repeat this in future…We also disown and condemn Guarakshak vignettes…Yes..We agree that polarization in the name of Hindutva has been our interest in the past…but now we’ll leave no stone unturned fighting against this…We unnecessarily inflated the issue of Subhash Bose’s hiding, Bhagat Singh vs Gandhi… glorifying Savarkar and Naathuram Godse…We’ll request our party workers to stop distortion of History…”
What if a Marxist comrade adopts this narrative?
Rational/Communist – Yes…yes...sure…we exploited terms like…”Azadi”   ‘Afzal Guru” “Jinnah” with ulterior motive…Yes…we put our full energy in denigrating and maligning leaders like Patel...Nehru with vested interest...But now we will put entire energy to work for social cause rather than spending time in coining new terms and criticizing others and exploiting Dalit and farmers issues…We’ll share our food, shelter and clothes with needy first instead of expecting socialist values in others… we’ll restrain influx of foreign money for our cause….We’ll make ourselves first nationalistic than raising fingers on the functionaries of other parties….
What if a Savarkar follower adopts this narrative?
Savarkar wokers – “enough is enough…let’s now accept the conspiracy theory of assassination of Mahatama…..Yes…Savarkar had grudge against Gandhi….he blessed Godse for eliminating Gandhi…We will work hard to wash this stain now….We will focus over Savarkar’s other  achievements rather than sweating for proving Savarkar a non-conspirator…we may differ in opinions or ideologies… …..A murder is a crime...and can never be acceptable as far as democratic values are concerned…We’ll work for the nation now and improve our ideology and stop distorting history for our vested interest…Yes Savarkar was first to advocate two nations’ theory prior to Muslim league..”
What if a staunch Muslim leader adopts this narrative?
Muslims leader: “Jehad has no place in human’s democratic society….Why we Indian to bother Palestine vs Israel problem much more than our own domestic problems of unemployment and poverty …Why to be ultra sceptical about Israel and USA’s stand as anti-Muslim every time much more than our farmers’, underprivileged class and women’s problem?  Why RSS lobby is to always blame for fanaticism and branding them anti-Muslims just to shift attention from Muslim Jihadists and anti-nationalist Muslims? Let’s first make ourselves lesser fanatics rather than condemning RSS and BJP for every wrong happening now and then….Why to acknowledge Jinnah and Muslim league who gave a call for a separate homeland for Muslims and Direct Action Plan and paved the path for partition? 
What if a staunch Ambedkrite leader adopts this narrative?
An Amedkrite:-Yes, we do exploit the word "Manuvadi" and Brahminism irrationally on many occasions for vested interests. We have grown very insensitive against sentimental issues such as desecration of Baba Saheb's statue and other Dalit symbols but are least concerned on real social issues. Obviously, we now and then criticise Mahatma Gandhi irrationally, though Gandhi, undoubtedly,  fought for the cause of underprivileged and downtrodden. Moreover, he was instrumental in getting Baba saheb a respectable position in the Constitutional Assembly, but we like to ignore this fact at the pretext of this or that. We do have castism in the name of Mahar, Chamar, Matang, Cobler, Washerman etc. in our society too but we blame upper cast people everytime for the same. Baba Saheb's Neo-Buddhism prohibits the use of violence, liquor, smoking, non-vegetarianism and adultery, but we are least bothered of these. Yes, we haven't come out of the tendency of worshipping idols completely. Now, we worship Baba Saheb, Buddha, Mahatma Phule instead of Ram or Krishna. Though we are intolerant to Muslims but occasionally we join hands with them too at the pretext of fighting against Manuwadi forces and RSS. Even, we don't have any problem to stand with communists for vested interest.  Sometimes, many of us hidingly or openly worship Hindu gods and goddesses too as it's too difficult to renounce old practices and ancestor' rituls or rites. Many of upper caste people stood with Bab Saheb and supported other Dalit activists like Mahatma Phule, but we like to denounce these and applaud only Muslims and our caste peoples who were with Baba Saheb. We don't accept Baba Saheb's view on his book "who were the Shudras?" in which Dr B R Ambedkar categorically had stated that Shudras were previously Kshatriyas. Brahmins the elite group were resorted to atrocities by them and, consequently, they faced the social boycott by the society and become untouchable in the eyes of the Society.